Highlighted Success
United States Coast Guard (USCG) Small Vessel Standoff Detection (SVSD)
D&G personnel were recognized as the DHS Secretary PM of the Year Award for their support of the USCG SVSD Program, a joint effort between the DHS DNDO, USCG, and CBP.
Support spanned the entire DHS102–01 Acquisition Life Cycle including requirements development, systems integration, and operational testing at Galveston, TX, St.Augustine,FL, and Sequim,WA.

United States Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Logistics and Fielding
D&G Logistics personnel working with CBP (OBP, OFO, OTD, and ILB) implemented the highly successful fielding, training, and sustainment plan for the Basic Handheld System which included Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) and early maintainability demonstrations. The program resulted in a significant reduction in O&M costs and the ability to tract key logistics-related performance metrics for over 3,000 systems.
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Azure Development Environment (DADE)
D&G’s support to DLA includes multiple J3 and J6 divisions and all R&D Programs include, DLA J68’s DADE initiative. DADE will allow DLA, Services, and industry to collaborate on application development in a secure environment with the capability to validate the performance and data analytic capabilities of next-generation distribution and sustainment algorithms against actual warfighting data.

Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Human Portable Tripwire (HPT)
D&G provided primary technical and acquisition support to the DHS CWMD HPT program which included Cooperative Research & Development Agreements, Operational Pilots, tailoring of the Systems Engineering Life Cycle, and Limited Characterization to accelerate the fielding of Commercial-off-the-shelf Rad/Nuc Detection Systems throughout the United States.